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AdvertisingShareAE after effects project Titles Videohive Neon Sign Kit v2.1.buttondownload1width:250px;margin:15px 0;display:inline-block;font-size:0;text-align:center.buttondownload1 az-index:5;display:block;height:30px;width:180px;color:#fff;font:10px/33px Helvetica,Verdana,sans-serif;text-decoration:none;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;background:#f9a818;position:relative.buttondownload1 a:hoverbackground:#00c2ce;color:#fff.buttondownload1 a,.buttondownload p.bottom-webkit-box-shadow:2px 2px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);-moz-box-shadow:2px 2px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);box-shadow:2px 2px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)Videohive Neon Sign Kit v2.1 27-03-2018, 00:20 Category: after effects project Titles
Take your scenes even further with all of the built-in extra features, including the ability to make a 3D sign, put your neon between panes of glass, place it on an editable truss system, or mount it to a wall.
videohive neon sign kit rar
DOWNLOAD: https://shoxet.com/2vzvo8
Create amazing static designs in Photoshop with the #1 best selling GraphicRiver item Sandstorm Photoshop Action. Take your results to the next level in After Effects using the Sandstorm Motion Kit.
Take your scenes even further with all of the built-in extra features, including the ability to make a 3D sign, put your neon between panes of glass, place it on an editable truss system, or mount it to a wall.
Like the sun breaking through the clouds after a storm, these loops are a sight for sore eyes. Boldly coloured, yet still with attention to lush details. Deliciously abstract and rhythmical, this pack has the Ican Agoesdjam signature written all over it.
Raise your weapon and bring a 21 gun salute to the skills of Raw Designs. Combining some high quality abstract 3d with high-tech robot heads, this pack is guaranteed to turn any screen into a weapon of mass destruction.
RAW Designs keeping the big hitters coming with the 2nd installment of Synthesize. This pack is full of superb abstract 3d while also delivering high quality depth of field that immerses your audience into this synthetic world.
The rendering of NeonRoom is so hyperrealistic, you can almost hear the clickeity-clack of the neon tubes turning on and off. Combined with a tight colour scheme, this pack is a shining beacon of light in the darkness. 2ff7e9595c